Hello and welcome again

I can’t wait to meet you during an excursion on your holiday

The rates vary according to the type of group, schools, adults and number of participants. To receive a customized offer for either half- or else full-day guiding in town, by sending an email you will receive an answer within a very short time.

Parcheggio Centro / Central Parking , via Campo Marzo 15 € the first hour and 10 € every following hour. 
Getting on / off of passengers: 5 € within 15 minutes time. 
Parcheggio stadio Piazzale Olimpia / parking football stadium: 15 € entire day 

FULL HIGH SEASON from 1 April to 31 October and from 1 to 31 December: € 150,00
FULL HIGH SEASON  WITH LICENSED TOURIST GUIDE from 1 April to 31 October and from 1 to 31 December: € 105,00 SOLELY ON LINE
FULL LOW SEASON from 1 to 30 November and from 1 January to 31 March: € 100,00
FULL LOW SEASON  WITH LICENSED TOURIST GUIDE  from 1 to 30 November and from 1 January to 31 March: € 70,00 SOLELY ON LINE
REDUCTION 25 PAX: € 40,00 tourist coaches maximum capacity of 25 persons (excluding the driver)
REDUCTION HOTELS LAKE GARDA: € 40,00  tourist coaches transporting hotel guests from the following municipal towns of the province of Verona: Affi, Bardolino, Brenzone, Castelnuovo del Garda, Cavaion, Costermano, Garda, Lazise, Malcesine, Pastrengo, Peschiera del Garda, San Zeno di Montagna, Torri del Benaco, Valeggio sul Mincio. 
REDUCTION HOTELS PROVINCE OF VERONA: € 65,00 tourist coaches transporting hotel guests from province of Verona
REDUCTION HOTELS TOWN AND MUNICIPALITY OF VERONA AT ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: € 15,00 tourist coaches which transport clients to & from hotels of the town, on days of arrival and departure, with the obligation of displaying copy of the hotel voucher (or equivalent document) which proves the reservation and overnight stay of the clients.
REDUCTION HOTELS TOWN AND MUNICIPALITY OF VERONA ON OTHER DAYS: € 40,00 tourist coaches which transport hotel guest of the town on days other than those of arrival and departure
REDUCTION EVENING: € 40,00 tourist coaches who enter the ZTL Bus (zone of limited traffic) after 6 pm and leaving within 2 am of the following day
REDUCTION ARENA: € 30,00 tourist coaches with groups going to the Arena Opera Festival, with arrival of the coach after 6 pm on days of performances with the obligation of displaying the reservation of the opera evening with validity until the end of the performance  
FREE FOR SCHOOLS: €0,00 tourist coaches with groups of school classes of any kind, grade or nationality, with the obligation of displaying a stamped declaration from the school proving a visit of Verona

Purchase direct: tourist bus & coach check point of Viale del Lavoro, 11 (A4-Highway Exit Verona Sud), or else parcheggio dello Stadio at the football stadium on Piazzale Olimpia
Purchase online: https://www.amt.it/pass-ztl-bus-2/
The coach company should register on the page of the AMT and proceed to purchase as LEGAL PERSON (and not natural person) 
At the moment of selecting the voice INTERO GUIDA TURISTICA / ENTIRE TOURIST GUIDE, they shall select my name MUTTI STEFANO in order to obtain the discount 

The rates vary according to the type of group, schools, adults and number of participants. To receive a customized offer for either half- or else full-day guiding in town, by sending an email you will receive an answer within a very short time.

Coaches must purchase a pass, either at arrival or else online displaying the permit on the front window. For groups who either will dine in town or else have a licensed tourist guide, a discount is available. 
The pass costs 80 €
50% for guests with a restaurant reservation in town 
50% for clients who booked a guided tour with an licensed tourist guide 

Instructions for the registration to the website of ASTER and to obtain the discount:
From the website of aster https://servizionline.aster.mn.it/ar/index.php?lang=en_US, click up top on Tourist Bus, then select Request for Discount on bottom left and then proceed with the operations of registration. Next, an email with a link will arrive with which one will be able to access the page of interest. The username is the mail address of subscription, whereas the password will have been created previously.
In accessing the link a page will appear on which the bus plate and further information must be provided. In order to obtain the discount in the space Reason Code one must choose: VISITA CON GUIDA TURISTICA ABILITATA (= tour with authorized tour guide).

Place of getting on / off the coach of passengers: Viale Mincio (delimited by yellow stripes with the indication BUS) 
The parking places are located on Piazzale Levoni and in Viale Te 

Palazzo Ducale:
FULL euro 13,00 adults including the Camera degli Sposi (bridal chamber)
FULL euro 6,5 adults, excluding the Camera degli Sposi (bridal chamber)
REDUCED euro 3,25 ages from 18 to 25 
FREE age under 18 
Free entrance for school classes. Obligatory reservation to obtain a guaranteed access to Mantegna’s painted chamber, the Camera degli Sposi, limited to 1500 daily visitors. 
Costs of reservation Camera degli Sposi (bridal chamber) 
€ 1,00 per single visiting persons, 
€ 10,00 for groups of schools of 25, 
€ 20,00 for groups of adults up to 25 persons.

FREE ENTRANCE FOR ALL ON EVERY FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH. It is nevertheless possible to reserve by phone for groups or single visitors with a cost of 1€ per person. 
GROUPS MAXIMUM 25 PERSONS. Groups are limited to 25 persons, any further person will require the assistance of a second guide.  

Palazzo Te: 
FULL  euro 12,00; 
REDUCED euro 9,00 over 65 and groups with minimum 20, 1 free every 25 persons. 
€ 4,00  children age 12 to 18 and university students; 
FREE ENTRANCE up to age 11 and for accompanying teachers and those accompanying the disabled. 

We highly recommend to make a reservation during the months of school journeys March to May, which has an increased cost of 1,5 €.  
Free on every Monday following the first Sunday of a month.
GROUPS WITH MAXIMUM 25 PERSONS. Groups are limited to 25 persons, after which the assistance of a second guide is required.

Rotonda church of San Lorenzo: 

Scientific Theatre
REDUCTION: groups min. 15 pax and schools € 1,50 
FULL: entrance fee single visitors € 3,00 

The rates vary according to the type of group, schools, adults and number of participants. To receive a customized offer for either half- or else full-day guiding in town, by sending an email you will receive an answer within a very short time.

Free in Viale Dieci Giugno (Monte Berico) 
10 € per day at Parcheggio dello Stadio Menti (football stadium), Viale G. Trissino 

Teatro Olimpico
Full: 11 €
Reduced: 8 €   (members Fai, Tci, Isic and Ctg and students up to age 25) 
Schools: 3 €

Reservation costs
Groups (min 10 max 25 persons): 10 €
Schools: 5 € per class

Reservations for the Olimpico Theatre are obligatory for groups and schools, for which it is necessary to send a request as email to : booking@comune.vicenza.it

Church of Santa Corona
Full: 3 €
Reduced: 2 € (members Fai, Tci, Isic and Ctg and students up to age 25)
Schools: 2 €

Basilica palladiana
visitors living outside the provincial territory: 5 € 

"Special Four Museums Ticket" valid 3 days 
Card of 4 museums, valid three days from the date of purchase which entitles to visit (one single passage to each museum) one of four museums of one’s choice from ten possible destinations 
Full: 15 €
Reduced for members Fai, Tci, Isic and Ctg as well as students up to age 25: 13 euro

Entrance Villa Valmarana ai Nani 
Full: 11 €
Reduced: 9 € (groups min,. 15 persons) 
Schools: 5 €

Entrance Villa La Rotonda 
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays: 10 € (open inside) 
Other days: 5 € (groups min. 15 persons), open outside  
Closed: Mondays 

If you are organizing a tour as a group in one of the cities, towns or territories of my competence, it is here you will find valid help concerning a meeting point, rates and costs of coach parking and eventual entry fees to museums. Click on the city or area of your interest to the left of the toolbar and after having chosen the itineraries, do not hesitate in contacting me. I am here to help you arrange a lovely holiday!
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